
H.R.H. Carl, Duke of Württemberg & Duchess Diane


Grand Master of 


Order of Military Merit - Established: 11 February 1759 by Duke Charles Eugene



Order of the Crown of Wurtemberg - Established: 1702 as the St.-Hubertus-Jagdorden (Order of St Hubert), in 1807 it was renamed the "Ritterorden vom Goldenen Adler" (Order of the Golden Eagle) by Frederick I, and on 23 September 1818 renewed and restructured (at the same time as the civil orders) by William I as the "Order of the Württemberg Crown"
Motto:  Furchtlos und treu (fearless and true)


Order of Friedrich - Established:  1 January 1830 by King Wilhelm I 




Order of Olga - Established:  27.6.1871, by King Charles I. [For women]